Sunday, May 30, 2010

I Loved Malawi! - More Favourites

Alex with a wee little baby at Open Arms Infant Care Centre
Andre at Maula Orphan Care with the Chief of the village.

This 3 month old little girl at Open Arms was not thriving.  Not sure what will happen to her.

Ezzy and Lara enjoying the goats at Ana Di Atu.

Ezzy and Talia eating lunch with the children at Maula.
Dr. Dixie Bandu and his wife Mary so graciously invited us over for a traditional Malawian meal.  It was delish!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Some Favourite Things

Okay I take it all back ... Scary Homeland Security Chick ... how can I blame her now after what happened recently in New York (bomb in vehicle). She's probably reacting like that because she's freaked out herself.

Anyway I digress. I thought I would do some of my favourite things for you.
Picture above - Alex with wee little one at Maula Orphan Care Centre.

Syd - Maula
Just look at my girl go - I don't know how many balloon dogs she made but she became very skilled at it and the kids loved them. 

Girls at Grace Orphan Care - they loved their face painting so much they kept rubbing it off and asking for new ones. We did face painting for more than an hour.  They asked for a heart by saying the word "love."

This baby at Ana Di Atu was being carried around on her sister's back.  She was soaked with urine (no diapers) but she was a darlin.

Len Coleman - Johannesburg
Our wonderful brother in Christ who helped Syd and I - strangers in a strange land.