Okay I take it all back ... Scary Homeland Security Chick ... how can I blame her now after what happened recently in New York (bomb in vehicle). She's probably reacting like that because she's freaked out herself.
Anyway I digress. I thought I would do some of my favourite things for you.
Picture above - Alex with wee little one at Maula Orphan Care Centre.
Syd - Maula
Just look at my girl go - I don't know how many balloon dogs she made but she became very skilled at it and the kids loved them.
Girls at Grace Orphan Care - they loved their face painting so much they kept rubbing it off and asking for new ones. We did face painting for more than an hour. They asked for a heart by saying the word "love."
This baby at Ana Di Atu was being carried around on her sister's back. She was soaked with urine (no diapers) but she was a darlin.
Len Coleman - Johannesburg
Our wonderful brother in Christ who helped Syd and I - strangers in a strange land.