Special Thanks

Mom and Dad who have sacrificially and entirely supported us for this huge project.

Sardis Fellowship Baptist Church and our church family for their love, support and prayers. Anne Heppell who had the crazy idea for all of this in the first place and truly believed we could do it.

Mark & Heather Vegh for all their efforts in raising money for our Malawi projects through their baby pool. Baby Vegh #3 will have the distiniction of being globally aware of less fortunate children before its first birthday.

Teeshirts - Stillwood Camp for donating 40 tee shirts from their 'All Canadian Summer' last year.

Soccer pumps - Cheam Sports, thank you for donating 5 pumps so kids in Malawi can pump the soccer balls up when they start to go soft.

Stuffies & Teddy Bears - Meredith Connelly & McCammon Traditional Elementary

Who collected approximately 400 stuffed animals and teddy bears.  They also wrote very special letters so that Sydney and I could take them with their pictures to show boys and girls in Malawi that children in Canada really care about them.  Special thank yous from Sydney and I to all you little ones from McCammon for being so loving.

Also, thank you to all those people who gave from their loved ones who have passed away, personal collectibles and private stashes.

Bottles & Cans - The numerous bottles and cans that people saved for us, even turning down other organizations so they could give them to us for our projects. It should be noted that Mom (Sue Worthylake) combed Chilliwack Lake campground with me to pick up dirty bottles and cans and Karla Graham has faithfully gone out of her way to pick up any that she has seen on her walks.

Used Clothing - The many people who donated used clothing for our clothing drive.

Donations - And those people who donated money from their personal resources, especially during a time where their is a huge amount of need from Haiti and where there is donor fatigue.

Thank you
Darlene & Sydney Worthylake